In less than 10 minutes a day, this 40 day devotional will help cultivate character qualities that will sustain any life-changing decision you are trying to make.


Happy New Year 2019!

Happy New Year Mike! It’s day one of 2019 and I want to be one of the first to tell you, Happy New Year.  This past Sunday, I spoke a message to my church entitled “The top eight things we learned in 2018.” Here are just three of them I’d like to share with you that may […]

6 Ways To Flip On The Light

Sunday, I concluded a sermon series at my church called “Shift.” A shift is the transition from one place, paradigm, or perspective to another. A shift in your life is when something goes to the next level…..when you find another gear from which to live your life….or when you finally cross the threshold from one […]